Tuesday 11 May 2010


.... I am going to consider offence. I mean when I had just posted a thing here saying that the commenter's for this IIHF championship where bounding the limit of acceptance, Belarus went to play Slovakia, definitely it is the worse thing I have ever heard on sports television during my entire life, and probably I will never hear anything like that again, what a pearl.
It is just so hard to start describing. Let me see, it is a non English competent commenter, I don't know what is his first language but English is not even his second. Things like "to to to" (being two to two), "Ahhhh, I don't know what he is going to do, wait", " to Sloveikia, no Slovakia, Sloveikia?" hahahahahahahaha, I can only laugh. There is more its hard to trans pass the complexity of the problem - "Back to Colonia" what did he mean?? Cologne???? "To minutes in the penalty box, Sury the second power play in the MATCH for Slovekia, Slovakia" " the to times stops of the game" " THE puck, THE shot, THE goal" "see it is another shot, WHY??? Oh what a check, what the move" I am telling you in this very sequence, you think it is all??? Not there is more much more: " THE chance, THE safe, THE block, THE defence, what a game!!" "Oh yes, you can see good penalties for Belorus on the second period" although it was the third period. "And the is THE off site for Slovekia, Slovakia" and just to put an end on the subject, "there is 5 minutes on this 4th perio" (There are only 3 periods) and there is a "SHA - SHOT" to conclude.

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